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연세 YWAM 계좌번호 : 신한은행 110-293-670952 이미나

[re] 사랑할 수 있을까?

gagoon 2002.06.29 16:56 조회 수 : 2464

Recently, I think... that our "LOVE" was quite partial to just one side or to some special groups. I did, and you might also. (I'm not sure how many people could agree to my opinion) Even though Jesus didn't do so.

When you quickly think about the people whom you love in this community, how many people can U remind? Can U remind of all the people who is involved in this community?
Maybe you can't. And I also can't.(Surely... --;)

Nobody can say that there's no love between us, but nobody can say we love everyone from our deep heart who is and was in yonsei YWAM including OBs, and someone who was in this community, I think.

Maybe you could just say about the situation between 2001 and 2002, but, we often had same problem before and even now.

You said you think there was love and humility in 2001. But we and you always have had those things in this community, I think. Though sometimes it wasn't expressed enough or expressed in wrong method.

I agree to your opinion that imprefect love is also love.

Sometimes, just starting to express a small love is better than considering if we have love...
Just call somebody around you and say hello, or send an e-mail or card or small presents for them or just remember them and pray for them. It could be enough...
Praying for other people can be good evidence that you have love for them. people are not usually moved by such a Big love, but by just very small expression of love.
But sometimes, abusing "I love you" without acting is worse than doing nothing, I think.

I don't know what's going on in your mind and even in this community, but I just wanna encourage you to just keep flowing your love to your people around you. It will flow year and year and you'll find it sometime.

You said that the heart of loving each other that you couldn't see at that time was flowing before, but your juniors can admit same thing as you afterward, sometime.

And I also wanna encourage you to broaden your love to seniors even though they don't know you and you don't know them well. And to broaden your border of love to somebody whom you didn't pay attention so much until now. Especially to OBs and Yon-ki-yon, whatever. They need it and when you do that, your love will be broaden so far.

I think you are enough to love other people and you will be getting better and better.

Finally, Sorry for my poor English, but I can't use Korean in this computer. So.. whatever... especially sorry to people who's studying in US.(Sok, Seunghyun, Jiyong, bros. etc. their English is much better than me...don't judge them through me...T.T)

and... Cheer Up !!