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연세 YWAM 계좌번호 : 신한은행 110-293-670952 이미나


springlet 2005.08.06 23:41 조회 수 : 2110

it's very dapdap-_-;;

hahaha T-T hello everyone.

this internet cafe don't allow me to access the system.
so I can't install hangul font.


Praise the Lord!! i found a computer which can see Korean letter.

I am very good condition..this place is very nice..
every Indians, staffs, especially director is very humorous.

-_-;very free~~;
i isn't like UDTS... hahahahah :P

I already saw 'last samurai..-tom cruise..you know.' and one Hindi movie.
hahahah. there are so many DVDs in here..-_-;

don't worry-_-; i listen Lecture well.

it is very graceful.T-T Lecture. intercession. worship.. everything.

just 1 week..:)
i am very expecting tomorrow~

this people makes me fool..-_-;; everyday joke and laugh.
of course i laughed with them ..-_-but i cannot understand anything.

but..they are all good people.
there are some hansome guys.
sorry.-_-;; haha

ahhh.!! someone saw my picture by sung gun.
she said to me ji-hoon is really!!! hansome.

=) haha. ah! Jungmin. i am sory not to give you MC T-shirt.
I forgot to give you that day.;

Please finish 7steps.-_-)/// Seojin and Hyerim.

Eunsun and Seung-Hyun will help you. hahahaha-_-;;

(jansori jaeng e da-_-)

=)Much Love. YUMI.

Plz pray for my English. I want to participate in their conversation.
