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연세 YWAM 계좌번호 : 신한은행 110-293-670952 이미나


은영이.. 2005.10.23 07:47 조회 수 : 1660

그냥...유미언니 글 보고 올림니다...
영어로 올리는것 이 왠지 불편했는데..
그냥 주님에게 맏길래요...

well...the year 2005 has been a rough journey for me...
in the midst of growing to trust Him and to learn more of His love for me...
i came across many trials that were VERY uncomfortable for me to deal with..
why uncomfortable?...because i had to change who i was and who i had become in the past 20 years i've lived on this earth...

the things that i've learned till today were all wiped and God just started teaching me new things in a new perspective...

as i started my journey for this year i wanted to start out my 20's differently...
as someone different from the 20 years that i've been myself...
and well he answered my prayers...

being in korea had forced me to look at myself deep within and truely see the core of who this person named eun young was.
as i came to ywam it taught me alot about brotherhood and sisterhood and it showed me what kind of person is the epitome of someone who is passionate...

i struggled alot with loneliness and i struggled alot about love...

Here in the states alot of things are different...church isn't like church in korea..
brothers and sisters betray each other and talk behind each others backs...
they can't even say "i love you" without having any other meaning go across...

i truely thanked God when i found YWAM...just becuase i was searching for a fellowship where i could feel at home...and i ddid...at ywam...at home...and loved....

on 성년의날..our 나무 got together and they prepared a small get-together...
that day as we prayed for each other 성건오빠 had shared with me that i didn't have to worry because God has great things planned for me when i got back to the states....

that was exactly what i was worried about...i didnt' know what to expect when i got back home...
all the things that have changed....my family situation.....and for some reason...i'm still here waiting and hoping for that "GOOD" moment that God has prepared for me...there were times when i wanted to give up...but i have faith the words God has given 성건오빠 to tell me...and i wait...for His timing for things to happen...

when i got back...i really had a rough time gettin used to the things in the states...about a month into my return to the states our family had been split up...not by anythign bad...but my mom had bought a gas station 2 hours away from the current home...i went to help her out with her english with the paperwork and just setting up the store...

it was first hard dealing with lonliness in korea...and when i finally thought it was going to be ok...that i'd have family to spend time with...i came to see that we were all going to be seperated...my sister at a college 1.5 hours away...and my mom 2 hours away.... going every weekend with my dad to my mom has been a tough journey...and well it was just too hard with school and helping the business...so i decided to take a semester off....to give up school for a semester was a big thing for me..because i always wanted to graduate on time...i think i still can...but i would have to crunch alot of my classes in....but i guess this is what i had to do...

right now....i'm working....actually writing this from work as i go back and forth from customers...but...i just wanted to ask for your prayers...

1. that whatever God may have planned for our family that we'll just take each step His way...
2. once i return to school i would be able to get back into the "study mode"
3. health...the store hour is from 6am - 10pm...its hard working 16 hours with my mom...my mom's health isn't very well either...
4. my spiritual walk....i wans't able to go to church as much in korea as well....but now...because its a 7 day business...its even harder to attend church...i try to do as much as i can to spend my daily time with Him...but its hard.....
5. and lastly...for everything thats about to happen till the end of this year...there's going to be many changes from the things thats happend till now...

its been a struggle whether to put this up on here or not...even erased a couple that i started to write...but i just place these up here...believing that God may use it in whatever ways that He works in...

in everything...i thank you...bless you all...and SMILE...^^ teehee...

sorry that its so long...but...i know there was a reason why i placed this up...