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연세 YWAM 계좌번호 : 신한은행 110-293-670952 이미나

맘 이 따듯해져요...

eun young 2006.02.06 17:48 조회 수 : 1575

its been a while since i visited this homepage..
but it always seems to amaze me how much love is in this fellowship...
it makes me so warm inside with even a fuzzy feeling ^^
all in the end...it makes me miss Yonsei YWAM even more...
its been a year since i've met you all...
and i just wanted to update on how i'm doing here in the US...

i am currently back in school and trying to graduate on time...
being a education major and trying to finish up to graduate school its in my best priority to finish school....

lately my life as been full of joy...
unexpected things happen...and well...its just great.....
as i wait for Him to bless me...i wait with expectations...
its just been AWESOME!!! then again when is He ever not awesome...

i MISS YOU ALL!! and i'm so glad to see everythings good...

well i hope everyone is warm...i heard its snowing much there....
here?...its very rainy....i WANT SNOW!! ALOT of snow means no SCHOOL!! hehe

I hope that all your days be overflowing with His blessings....
In His love...
eun young...

p.s 간사님...많이 부족한 양이었지만...너무나도 감사 했어요....i wish for the best wherever you go...
and i know God has His hands upon your life and your family's life....i'll be praying that His favor would be upon your family....간사님....사랑하고 축복합니다.....