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연세 YWAM 계좌번호 : 신한은행 110-293-670952 이미나

I miss you all!!!!!

sy 2006.01.27 19:50 조회 수 : 1624

hey ^^
how are you guys
more than 2 weeeks passed since I came here~
I can't write KoreanT_T sorry..
I just want to say I'm alive^^;;and having amazing time-!!
Really nice people, staffs, and speakers^^ and  beautiful island.
For my outreach I'm going to go to Cambodia^-^ I'm excited about that too.
pray for me :)
I'm praying for Yonsei YWAM.
I'm so proud to be Ywamer,!
I miss you all. :) take care!

PS:1. Gi uhn gansanim!!! I can't believe you are leaving us before I go back T-T
     2. I want to know my lamb Ho gyong's e-mail address +_+(why she can't do cyworldT_T?!!!!!)  PLEASE Tell her that I miss her and  pray for her DTS!